V modelovém území jihozápadní části Českého krasu bylo studováno druhové složení bylinného podrostu a déšť semen ve vztahu k podmínkám prostředí, zejména fragmentaci lesů. Počet druhů cévnatých rostlin se překvapivě zvyšoval od okraje směrem do nitra lesních fragmentů. To platilo zejména v případě lesních specialistů s nízkou schopností šíření a silnou vazbou na kontinuitu lesního prostředí.

Citovaná a použitá literatura:

HOFMEISTER, Jeňýk, et al. Strong influence of long-distance edge effect on herb-layer vegetation in forest fragments in an agricultural landscape. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 2013, 15.6: 293-303.

HOFMEISTER, Jeňýk, et al. Speciesrich plant communities in interior habitats of small forest fragments: The role of seed dispersal and edge effect. Journal of Vegetation Science, 2022, 33.5: e13152.

ESTREGUIL, Christine, et al. Forest landscape in Europe: pattern, fragmentation and connectivity. EUR Scientific and Technical Research, 2013, 25717.

HERMY, Martin, et al. An ecological comparison between ancient and other forest plant species of Europe, and the implications for forest conservation. Biological conservation, 1999, 91.1: 9-22.

HOFMEISTER, Jeňýk, et al. Microclimate edge effect in small fragments of temperate forests in the context of climate change. Forest Ecology and Management, 2019, 448: 48-56.

HOFMEISTER, Jeňýk; MIHALJEVIČ, Martin; HOŠEK, Jan. The spread of ash (Fraxinus excelsior) in some European oak forests: an effect of nitrogen deposition or successional change?. Forest Ecology and Management, 2004, 203.1-3: 35-47.

HOFMEISTER, Jeňýk, et al. Eutrophication of deciduous forests in the Bohemian Karst (Czech Republic): the role of nitrogen and phosphorus. Forest Ecology and Management, 2002, 169.3: 213-230.

VERHEYEN, Kris, et al. Driving factors behind the eutrophication signal in understorey plant communities of deciduous temperate forests. Journal of Ecology, 2012, 100.2: 352-365.

In the model area of the southwestern part of the Bohemian Karst, the species composition of the herb layer vegetation and seed rain were studied in relation to environmental conditions, especially forest fragmen­tation. The number of vascular plant species surprisingly increased from the edge towards the interior of the forest fragments, especially in the case of forest specialists.