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Until the 1960s, Miller’s Water Shrew was considered a rare species in the Czech Re­public. Now the database includes more than 1 200 sites in 454 squares (i.e. 67 % of the grid). The species finds optimal conditions in the diverse landscape of hills, highlands and foothills. On the other hand, the lack of data from lowlands in the Labe (Elbe) and Ohře (Eger) floodplains and in central and southern Moravia persists. The character of occurrence described conforms well to the altitudinal distribution of the localities, almost 84 % of records fall within the range of 200–700 m above sea level. Surprisingly, the structure of habitats used is similar to that of the Eurasian Water Shrew (Neomys fodiens). The somewhat unusual title of the article is related to the original unsuitable Czech name of the species („black“), which often led to confusion with dark-coloured specimens of N. fodiens; the use of the alternative name „smaller“ is suggested.