Vývoj křídel a letového aparátu sehrál jednu z klíčových rolí v evoluci hmyzu a současně je jedním z hlavních příčin jeho nepřeberné druhové, morfologické a ekologické rozmanitosti. Fosilní záznam, který by dokumentoval samotný proces vzniku křídel, však zatím chybí. Proto se při jeho výzkumu musíme spoléhat na studium struktur homologických křídlům v kontextu fosilních i recentních druhů.

Použitá literatura

BEUTEL, Rolf G., et al. Insect morphology and phylogeny: a textbook for students of entomology. Walter de Gruyter, 2013.

BRODSKY, Andrei K. The evolution of insect flight. Oxford University Press, 1994.

BRUCE, Heather S.; PATEL, Nipam H. Knockout of crustacean leg patterning genes suggests that insect wings and body walls evolved from ancient leg segments. Nature ecology & evolution, 2020, 4.12: 1703-1712.

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CLARK-HACHTEL, Courtney M.; TOMOYASU, Yoshinori. Exploring the origin of insect wings from an evo-devo perspective. Current opinion in insect science, 2016, 13: 77-85.

DUDLEY, Robert. The biomechanics of insect flight: form, function, evolution. Princeton university press, 2002.

GRIMALDI, David; ENGEL, Michael S. Evolution of the Insects. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

KUKALOVÁ-PECK, Jarmila. Origin of the insect wing and wing articulation from the arthropodan leg. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 1983, 61.7: 1618-1669.

PROKOP, Jakub; ENGEL, Michael S. Palaeodictyopterida. Current Biology, 2019, 29(9): R306-R309.

PROKOP, Jakub, et al. Abdominal serial homologues of wings in Paleozoic insects. Current Biology, 2022, 32.15: 3414-3422. e1.

PROKOP, Jakub; NEL, André; ENGEL, Michael S. Diversity, form, and postembryonic development of Paleozoic insects. Annual Review of entomology, 2023, 68.1: 401-429.

PROKOP, Jakub, et al. Thoracic and abdominal outgrowths in early pterygotes: a clue to the common ancestor of winged insects?. Communications Biology, 2023, 6.1: 1262.

ROSS, Andrew. Evolution: the origin of insect wings revisited. Current Biology, 2022, 32.15: R851-R853.

SMITH, Frank W.; JOCKUSCH, Elizabeth L. Into the body wall and back out again. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2020, 4.12: 1580-1581.

TOMOYASU, Yoshinori. What crustaceans can tell us about the evolution of insect wings and other morphologically novel structures. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, 2021, 69: 48-55.

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WOOTTON, Robin J.; KUKALOVA-PECK, Jarmila. Flight adaptations in Palaeozoic Palaeoptera (Insecta). Biological Reviews, 2000, 75.1: 129-167.

The appearance of wings and flight apparatus played a crucial role in the evolution of insects and is one of the main reasons for their immense morphological, ecological and species diversity. However, there is no fossil record to clarify the actual process of wing origin. Therefore, to investigate this event, we should rely on the study of wing homologues in the context of extinct and extant insect species.